“Bringing Up Bates” is an American reality series that is aired on Up TV. The show revolves around Gil Bates and Kelly Bates, their 19 children, and their extended family. The Bates Family had been a part of a 2012 TV show called “United Bates of America” prior to this. Each episode has a runtime of approximately 20-26 minutes. It has released 105 episodes to date over the course of 9 seasons and including the special episodes as well. Anyhow, let us give you an overview of the series. In 1987, Gil and Kelly Jo Bates got married to each other but they did not plan to have any kids. However, over a course of time, things changed and currently, they are parents to 19 children. Nevertheless, things start getting difficult as their children range from toddler to 20-something and live under one roof. The Bates family faces new challenges and tries to overcome those together. The parents set up strict rules that include everyone’s chores, watching no to limited hours of TV, and the girls wearing only dresses. Apart from all this, Gil runs a tree service in which he has employed a few of his sons. On the other hand, Kelly Jo stays at home to make the meals, home-school their children, and do the laundry. Now, since elder children have got older, new issues like careers, romance, and babies will come into the picture.


William Gilvin “Gil” Bates as himself: William Gilvin “Gil” Bates is a 56-year old American TV personality who rose to fame after being a part of a 2012 TV series known as “United Bates of America”.  Kelly Jo Bates as himself: Kelly Jo Bates is a 54-year old American TV personality who was born on 26th October 1966. Along with her husband, she also became popular after her appearance on “United Bates of America”.

What to expect from the upcoming season of “Bringing Up Bates”?

The title for Episode 1 of “Bringing Up Bates” Season 10 is ‘He or She, What Will the Baby Be?’. The new season will be with Nathan Bates bringing home his girlfriend to meet his family. Moreover, the Bates sisters will take a huge step in the first episode itself. Apart from all this, there will be more baby news ahead as the series progresses. UPtv released a trailer for the tenth season of “Bringing Up Bates” on their official YouTube channel on 12th February 2021 i.e. Friday. It has already crossed 92k views and you can click to watch it below.

When is “Bringing Up Bates” Season 10 going to release?

Bringing Up Bates Season 10  Release Date  Spoilers   Preview - 38Bringing Up Bates Season 10  Release Date  Spoilers   Preview - 85