Current Chapters in the Game
Chapter 1: House, Chapter 2: Station, Chapter 3: Gallery, Chapter 4: Forest, Chapter 5: School, Chapter 6: Hospital, Chapter 7: Metro, Chapter 8: Carnival, Chapter 9: City, Chapter 10: Mall.
About Gameplay
Players must use different items to unlock the exit current location while avoiding the piggy, Traitor, and traps, players cant die due to traps, but they will be stunned for a certain amount of time and that time depends on the type of the trap, while players get ways of killing the Traitor and piggy for 20 seconds. There are also game modes, which are basically diverse ways in which the piggy round can be played, and there are currently five game modes available, i.e., PLAYER, BOT, PLAYER, and BOT and the other two are party game modes INFECTION and TRAITOR.
In this game mode, a random player is decided and that players become piggy and deter other players from escaping.
In this game mode, AI[ Artificial intelligence] becomes piggy, but in this game, mode, piggy does not have the capability to use traps, and therefore it targets the nearest player.
Player and Bot
This game mode is basically the mixture of the two-game modes, with two piggies in each round.
Infection (party Gamemode)
This game mode is similar to the player game mode where the random player is selected as piggy, but the difference is when you die, you become piggy and prevent other people from escaping, and the game ends when a player successfully escapes or when all the players are captured. Traps are not used in this game mode.
Traitor (party Gamemode)
In this game mode, the piggy is a bot, and a random player is selected to become the Traitor whose objective is to kill all the players, there are two ways in which the Traitor can be killed either the piggy kills the Traitor, or it is shot with the weapon. The traitor has the same ability of piggy, but the difference is it looks like a normal player, and it receives the knife after the clock turns 8:59.
Release Date of Piggy Chapter 11
The release date for Piggy chapter 11 is not yet announced, but it is expected to release in May 2020. The release can also be further prolonged due to the coronavirus pandemic, although there are some leaks that can be found on the internet that seems bogus. We will update you here on Otakukart as soon as any date for release is announced.
Although the date of release is not yet prevailed, there are some hints given by the developer regarding what we can expect in chapter 11, and the hint is about the return of bunny not infected. Some You Tubers also have a theory about the airport in the upcoming chapter, and some have theories regarding the return of the bunny.