The series is comparable to the parent show Snapped. Besides that, each episode features a pair who have committed murder or attempted to take someone’s like or have been involved in committing or endeavoring to commit murder. Like the original series, the program is exhibited in a documentary style, utilizing a central voice-over narration by actress Anna Vocino and interviews with people with the first-hand experience of the case.

Recap To Some Of The Most Horrifying Cases Of Snapped: Killer Couple Season 14

The 14th season of Snapped: Killer Couple was released on 13th February 2022. It talked about various couples taking others’ lives to make their so-called love eternal. The series featured a horrifying true murder history. And Matthew Shallenberger and Teresa Lewis were found guilty of the murder of a man and his elder son. They made the murder look like a robbery. They followed a pattern to kill the victim. The murderers ripped all pictured that was hanging in the living room. The victims were killed slowly and were tortured before they were killed. Teresa has been the most wanted of her time. However, she was punished with a death sentence after she pleaded guilty. The authorities ensured that she was tortured and faced the same amount of suffering as she caused to the victims. She was given a Lethal injection that clots the blood, and the person chokes on their own blood. The boy she killed was a former military officer, and he will be remembered as a fallen hero.

Oh! Love Made Me Do It, My Lord

Another most interesting and ugly case of Snapped: Killer Couple Season 14 was the Brooklyn Christopher Evans and Reynolds case. They both murdered a lovely married couple of Brooklyn. After the investigation, it was said that the two couples went to the same high school, and Christopher was always jealous of them because they were inseparable. In contrast, Christopher’s relationship was a rocky road. Christopher said in her testimony that they were so perfect, and they got married to each other. On the other hand, Christopher was not able to convince Reynold to move in together. She said they made her unhappy, and that’s a crime. So she took matters into her own hands. On the contrary, Reynolds said that Christopher made him do it. He said he had no intention of killing them. He said she asked me to visit them to say hello to our high school pals, but then there was blood all around, and he was scared, so he helped her, and they escaped. However, Reynold was sorry for his crime, unlike Christopher. So, he wasn’t given a life sentence. On the other hand, Christopher’s jealousy costed her life.

Snapped: Killer Couple Season 15 Release Date

Snapped: Killer Couple Season 15 will be releasing on 23rd May 2021 on the Oxygen Network. The series will feature more of such psychotic lovers who are ready to go to any extent to satisfy their blood lust. It is expected that the series will show some connection with the ugly serial killer cult “Sons Of Sams.” Episode 1 of Snapped: Killer Couple Season 15 will talk about two killers named  Michael Walker and Ailsa Jackson. They pleased guilty of the murder of an army vet. The case made the headlines all over the country.

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